Brain Change
Destroy dogma, superstition, and lies.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Passive Aggressive Voice
Some companies insist on writing their formal reports in the passive voice. Instead of "we recommend," some reports read "it is recommended."
"It is recommended? Really? By whom?"A consultant should bond with the reader, make readers feel comfortable with the way the words flow, even if the words deliver an uncomfortable message.
"By us, of course."
"So, we are doing the recommending?"
"Yes. Who else?"
"So, we recommend?"
"That's right."
"So why don't we just come out and say, 'We recommend'?"
Speaking we-to-you sets up a conversational tone. The passive voice does just the opposite. It sounds aloof, distant, stand-offish, indifferent, and at worst, condescending. "We're not going to talk with you. Rather, you shall be addressed."
Passive voice has the tone of indifference. It bespeaks lack of commitment, half-heartedness, and academic calculation. It gives the writer and the writing an attitude of cool superiority.
In short, if I were to describe the personality or voice of such writing and the writer, I'd call it passive aggressive. It comes off defensive in its avoidance of straight talk.
The active voice and the second person plural are straightfoward, honest, and committed. In a business report, they say, "This is what we know, here's what we find, therefore, this is what we recommend." Without words, it promises that we the writers stand by what we say and care enough about your success to say so.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Parenting Beyond Belief
I was talking to a client a few years ago, who told me he was an atheist.
"So am I," I happily admitted, pleased to discover our new affinity.
"But I raise my kids Catholic, just to give them some kind of moral footing," he added.
I just about lost it, but kept a cool head as I explained that Judy and I had raised, or were rasing at that time, two children without religion.
"So far they haven't killed anyone," I encouraged him.
Maybe he went on to loosen the Catholic noose from his children's necks. I don't know. But more than nine million parents in the U.S. are raising children without religion. That's according to the promoters of The Parenting Beyond Belief Seminar a half-day workshop on parenting without religion led by educator Dale McGowan, author of Parenting Beyond Belief and Raising Freethinkers.
I'm finished parenting or I'd be there, but if you're like my atheist client and would like to consider the ethical, non-religions way of parenting, look for this seminar near you.
You'll learn:
• How does moral development really work?
• My mother-in-law wants our kids baptized. How can I respond without causing a rift?
• How can I ease my son’s fears about death without pretending there’s an afterlife?
• How can kids learn about religion without being indoctrinated into religion?
If you're anywhere near Cincinnati, Ohio, I'm sorry about that, but you can attend on Saturday, September 20, at the Vernon Manor Hotel, from 9 AM to 1 PM.
Visit the Parenting Beyond Belief website for details.
Labels: atheism, belief, catholic, parenting
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Here's proof that the majority of conservatives are not critical thinkers:1. Nobody's Fine with Me
McCain pulls out of practically nowhere a nobody of a governor and they all jump up on cue and affirm her.
Now in 60 day's, we're supposed to get to know Sarah Palin? A woman who, should McCain croak, could be President of the United States!
Now in 60 day's, we're supposed to get to know Sarah Palin? A woman who, should McCain croak, could be President of the United States!
2. Whatever You Say, McCain
Senator More-of-the-Same, who voted more than 90% of the time right down the Bush party line, says all of a sudden, "Change is coming!"
Again, his ditto-headed drones jump up an cheer in unison.
We thinking people, on the other hand, know our candidates. Both of them. Joe Biden has been around long enough to understand not only what he stands for but how he works. We've run Barack Obama through the gauntlet. When they say change, they mean it. They've been fighting for change as long as we've known them.
Who isn't insulted by McCain's fake epiphany and the nerve of foisting on us an untested unknown?
Labels: Biden, Bush, change, Mc Cain, Obama, Palin