Brain Change
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Passive Aggressive Voice
Some companies insist on writing their formal reports in the passive voice. Instead of "we recommend," some reports read "it is recommended."
"It is recommended? Really? By whom?"A consultant should bond with the reader, make readers feel comfortable with the way the words flow, even if the words deliver an uncomfortable message.
"By us, of course."
"So, we are doing the recommending?"
"Yes. Who else?"
"So, we recommend?"
"That's right."
"So why don't we just come out and say, 'We recommend'?"
Speaking we-to-you sets up a conversational tone. The passive voice does just the opposite. It sounds aloof, distant, stand-offish, indifferent, and at worst, condescending. "We're not going to talk with you. Rather, you shall be addressed."
Passive voice has the tone of indifference. It bespeaks lack of commitment, half-heartedness, and academic calculation. It gives the writer and the writing an attitude of cool superiority.
In short, if I were to describe the personality or voice of such writing and the writer, I'd call it passive aggressive. It comes off defensive in its avoidance of straight talk.
The active voice and the second person plural are straightfoward, honest, and committed. In a business report, they say, "This is what we know, here's what we find, therefore, this is what we recommend." Without words, it promises that we the writers stand by what we say and care enough about your success to say so.
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"Passive voice has the tone of indifference. It bespeaks lack of commitment, half-heartedness, and academic calculation. It gives the writer and the writing an attitude of cool superiority."
That's the point (sort of). It's what a lot of people are taught to be academic writing. "We" finds its way into advertising more often because advertisers actually want a personal relationship. Passive is more "academic," even though it's usually more cold and well, boring. I guess an alternative to "we" might be "Sony recommends," but that might get a little repetitive. They could also just say "Wash your hands regularly" instead of "it is recommended... etc."
That's the point (sort of). It's what a lot of people are taught to be academic writing. "We" finds its way into advertising more often because advertisers actually want a personal relationship. Passive is more "academic," even though it's usually more cold and well, boring. I guess an alternative to "we" might be "Sony recommends," but that might get a little repetitive. They could also just say "Wash your hands regularly" instead of "it is recommended... etc."
I find myself using passive voice as a change of pace, but ground my writing as much as possible in the active. In short, Active is recommended.
I find myself using passive voice as a change of pace, but ground my writing as much as possible in the active. In short, Active is recommended.
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