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Spare thoughts, anyone?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Shame on you, Massachusetts!
When the USA Titanic, steered by indomitable Capt. Dubya, finally hit the iceberg around the end of 2008, the first to reach the lifeboats, as expected, were the mean and greedy. Now as we watch our big-bellied bankers and fat-bottomed hedge-fund gamblers row to safety, their minions in the Republican party get the dirty job of laying back and whacking down the rest of us with their thick oars as we paddle desperately toward anything that floats.
Then just when it seems the water can't get any colder, the once trusty people of Massachusetts vote for the promise of no health care reform. "Sorry, we need your life jackets, too." What happened to Teddy's constituents? Aren't these the same people who were taught as children that we're all in this together? Have they really bit the bait of the big lie?
How many of them, I wonder count themselves among our nations foaming-at-the-mouth tea-baggers? Many of these mental midgets will willingly fork out $550 dollars to hear their esteemed Sarah Palin speak at their convention next month in Music City. That's more than half-a-grand to hear the woman to whom McCain's handlers had to explain why Korea comes in North and South flavors. Maybe because she can't see either Korea from Wasilla.
I wonder how many tea-baggers understand the Korean division. I mean, if you don't buy global warming or evolution and swallow only what your hate-radio jock blathers, all you need to know is that the North is evil, like Sadam, socialism, welfare moms. And I guess if you think your Hummer H3 is a great set of wheels, then Sarah Palin is a great speaker.
Labels: Massachusetts, Mc Cain, Palin, Tea Party, tea-baggers
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Peter - According to your opinion piece here, you seem to be confused as to WHY the liberal bastion of Mass would vote Republican and you seem to blame the current state of things on #43.
Let me say - that wreaks of stale thinking... and if you think that people are still somehow voting because of any so-called inherited status, I think you are mistaken.
To put it more in your words... if Bush was the original Captain of the Titanic... (don't forget - the "crew" of the Titanic, then, has been the Dem's running the Congress since 2006 as well), then the good folks of Mass must see the Dems in power and also perceive Captain Obama as smashing holes in the lifeboats. Instead of finding a solution to safely pilot The Titanic to safer waters, he taking command and heading right for endless iceberg fields. (Seriously - could there be a more anti-job, anti-business, anti-energy, anti-keep-your-own-money, tell-you-to-live-within-your-means while we spend money like... well, like drunken Titanic Sailors, administration?)
While I've been mad at politicians on both sides of the aisle for quite a few years now, there is "good change" and completely wrong-headed change. This change is NOT going the right way.
What WOULD have been right was what Obama SAID we would have - which was TRANSPARENCY and NO ARROGANCE and BIPARTISAN SOLUTIONS and NO CORRUPTION.
As opposed to what Candidate Obama TOLD us and PROMISED us would happen... instead, ALL of those points have reached a pinacle that is just not acceptable to most Americans (literally - most Americans are opposed to how the people in power are running the country, even those from Mass!).
Ask yourself - do people want HEALTHCARE REFORM that lowers costs and makes things more affordable and accessible?
Do the majority of Americans think that a one-party, back-room, pay-off-people to vote for it kind of solution that actually does NOT lower Healthcare costs is the right solution? Nope. (you've read the polls, right?).
The message from the people is: START OVER and DO WHAT YOU SAID (you know - Transparency, BiPartisan, Non-Corrupt, etc...). If Obama the President would do what Obama the Candidate said he would, then I'm guessing he would be in a better place, as would the country.
So - the "people have spoken" - unfortunately, Obama and the Dem's aren't listening. It sounds like you aren't either.
My friend.
(by the way - that "tea bagging" slur... always makes me ponder when people have to resort to saying mean things about people instead of listening to what they have to say, and then engaging in a rationale discussion)
I have not attended one of their events, but I listen to them on the news and I can respect the people of BOTH PARTIES that participate, in that they just want what the Constitution is supposed to provide. Who can really argue with that?
Let me say - that wreaks of stale thinking... and if you think that people are still somehow voting because of any so-called inherited status, I think you are mistaken.
To put it more in your words... if Bush was the original Captain of the Titanic... (don't forget - the "crew" of the Titanic, then, has been the Dem's running the Congress since 2006 as well), then the good folks of Mass must see the Dems in power and also perceive Captain Obama as smashing holes in the lifeboats. Instead of finding a solution to safely pilot The Titanic to safer waters, he taking command and heading right for endless iceberg fields. (Seriously - could there be a more anti-job, anti-business, anti-energy, anti-keep-your-own-money, tell-you-to-live-within-your-means while we spend money like... well, like drunken Titanic Sailors, administration?)
While I've been mad at politicians on both sides of the aisle for quite a few years now, there is "good change" and completely wrong-headed change. This change is NOT going the right way.
What WOULD have been right was what Obama SAID we would have - which was TRANSPARENCY and NO ARROGANCE and BIPARTISAN SOLUTIONS and NO CORRUPTION.
As opposed to what Candidate Obama TOLD us and PROMISED us would happen... instead, ALL of those points have reached a pinacle that is just not acceptable to most Americans (literally - most Americans are opposed to how the people in power are running the country, even those from Mass!).
Ask yourself - do people want HEALTHCARE REFORM that lowers costs and makes things more affordable and accessible?
Do the majority of Americans think that a one-party, back-room, pay-off-people to vote for it kind of solution that actually does NOT lower Healthcare costs is the right solution? Nope. (you've read the polls, right?).
The message from the people is: START OVER and DO WHAT YOU SAID (you know - Transparency, BiPartisan, Non-Corrupt, etc...). If Obama the President would do what Obama the Candidate said he would, then I'm guessing he would be in a better place, as would the country.
So - the "people have spoken" - unfortunately, Obama and the Dem's aren't listening. It sounds like you aren't either.
My friend.
(by the way - that "tea bagging" slur... always makes me ponder when people have to resort to saying mean things about people instead of listening to what they have to say, and then engaging in a rationale discussion)
I have not attended one of their events, but I listen to them on the news and I can respect the people of BOTH PARTIES that participate, in that they just want what the Constitution is supposed to provide. Who can really argue with that?
I agree with you, our previous President should be referred to most appropriately as a number--43. But it is absurd to claim as you do that the Democrats have been "running" Congress since 2006. Even today with a serious majority, the dead weight can and does do a Spartan job off digging in its heels and preventing beneficial reform.
With regard to your absurd attempt to place the blame of the recession at the feet of Democrats: Long ago I realized that I have a limited amount of time on this Earth. For this reason, I decided to argue no longer with flat-earthers, creationist, and most recently, people unwilling to admit that the most recent near-destruction of our economy comes as a result of Hoover-inspired, Milton Friedman-promoted Reagonomics, voodoo economics, trickle-down, or whatever you want to call taking from the poor and giving to the rich. Hood Robbin'?
But again, I have to agree with you. "If Obama the President would do what Obama the Candidate said he would, then I'm guessing he would be in a better place, as would the country." Except for one little word--"would." If Republican dead weight would just move aside, Obama the President could do what Obama the Candidate said he would. Then I'm confident he would be in a better place, as would the country.
PS: I don't consider "tea bagging" a slur. I even looked it up. It refers to the activities of people involved in Tea Parties. Of course, I understand that it connotes other activities. Around here, folks play an outdoor game they call corn hole. They toss bags of beans at platforms with a hole in them and attempt to get the bags through the hole. When I refer to the game, I understand that there is a double meaning, but I use the term anyway. There are many such terms. We'd go nuts looking for an avoiding them. Every one of us would end up talking to a therapist. Uh-oh! Can't use that word, it means "the rapist"!
I agree with you, our previous President should be referred to most appropriately as a number--43. But it is absurd to claim as you do that the Democrats have been "running" Congress since 2006. Even today with a serious majority, the dead weight can and does do a Spartan job off digging in its heels and preventing beneficial reform.
With regard to your absurd attempt to place the blame of the recession at the feet of Democrats: Long ago I realized that I have a limited amount of time on this Earth. For this reason, I decided to argue no longer with flat-earthers, creationist, and most recently, people unwilling to admit that the most recent near-destruction of our economy comes as a result of Hoover-inspired, Milton Friedman-promoted Reagonomics, voodoo economics, trickle-down, or whatever you want to call taking from the poor and giving to the rich. Hood Robbin'?
But again, I have to agree with you. "If Obama the President would do what Obama the Candidate said he would, then I'm guessing he would be in a better place, as would the country." Except for one little word--"would." If Republican dead weight would just move aside, Obama the President could do what Obama the Candidate said he would. Then I'm confident he would be in a better place, as would the country.
PS: I don't consider "tea bagging" a slur. I even looked it up. It refers to the activities of people involved in Tea Parties. Of course, I understand that it connotes other activities. Around here, folks play an outdoor game they call corn hole. They toss bags of beans at platforms with a hole in them and attempt to get the bags through the hole. When I refer to the game, I understand that there is a double meaning, but I use the term anyway. There are many such terms. We'd go nuts looking for an avoiding them. Every one of us would end up talking to a therapist. Uh-oh! Can't use that word, it means "the rapist"!
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