Brain Change
Destroy dogma, superstition, and lies.
Spare thoughts, anyone?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Banned by Facebook
What an honor! Someone found my previous blog post, Conservative Thumbs, offensive enough to ask Facebook to shut off access to it. Maybe even more than one person. Maybe a whole stupid of Conservatives!
And they did. Just like that.
I suppose it's easy enough to be banned for linking to a porn site or some racist rant or a terrorist site. No brainer. But my mini-screed, meant to cause a chuckle by illustrating the slow-to-learn nature of Conservative knuckle-draggers and to tie that propensity to a recent science news story? Somebody or bodies just couldn't take it, I guess.
Of course, I quickly commented on my own Facebook post and provided a new link to the blog post. Let's see how long it takes for the company that gives you "What Decade Fits Your Personality Best?" to ban a comment on a ban of a political opinion.
Labels: conservatives, Facebook
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Conservative Thumbs
News: Evidence that Neanderthals may have mated with humans at more than one point in evolutionary history. Of course! That explains the Conservative strain that runs through our otherwise noble race.
I know it's bad form and not conducive to dialog to call Conservatives names, but as far as I'm concerned the time for dialog is over. It ended somewhere between Reagan's shell game of trickle down, voodoo economics and Shrub's "Mission Accomplished" fiasco.
Argue with morons and you end up in the loony bin. I'm headed in the other direction.
The fact is that everything we cherish here in America comes from Liberal thinking and action. Starting with our Revolution, through Abolition, to Civil Rights. It's not my job to coax Teabaggers down from their trees and hate-radio demagogues off the air.
Patience: Neanderthal Conservatives eventually discard their caveman causes. Most no longer support slavery, Prohibition, segregation, separate but equal, the Dred Scott Decision, and the like. We had to drag them kicking and screaming, but they came around.
Eventually they'll drop their opposition to universal health care, stem cell research, gays in the military, and bans on gay marriage. Then when they get used to their political prehensile thumbs, they'll stop denying global warming, the Holocaust, Evolution—the kind of progressive stuff we Liberals have embraced since the Enlightenment.
But for now, I'm tuning them out!
Labels: conservatism, liberalism